Monday, March 1, 2010


Name: Michelle
Birthday: May 25, 1998

Michelle is 11 years old. She is eager to learn and participates actively in classroom discussions. Although she is an avid reader when she has books, she needs to be in an environment to focus more on her education so that her ratings can improve. As Michelle finishes her school year, she is working hard to complete the necessary projects. She dreams of going to college someday.

Michelle’s biological family rents a home without water or electricity. Her father is a construction worker with irregular work and an income insufficient to keep all children in school.

Michelle is an enthusiastic girl, often smiling.
She is very helpful in caring for younger children as well as with household chores. At Wesley Home for Youth, her education and dreams will be supported and she can continue in school. Michelle’s parents and three siblings are able to visit her at the home and receive Christian training and support through the home’s family outreach program.

Michelle is in need of monthly sponsors. Please consider sponsoring Michelle.

Thankful, Sheryl

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