Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 9, from Colleen

Last night we had a heavy rain here. I love getting to sleep with the sound of the rain hitting the roof. It must have had a great affect on me because I slept in until 9 a.m. this morning. I’ve usually been up by 6:30 when the roosters start crowing and the sun is shining into our room. Maybe all the heat and humidity finally caught up with me.

Today we had special guests for lunch: Judy Ann, Mary Ann, and Nino along with their mothers. Judy Ann and Nino will soon be coming to stay at WHY. Mary Ann will receive assistance with her education and other needs, but she will stay at home with her mom. After lunch, we spent time playing basketball and frisbee with the kids.

After all the games, Michelle, one of our team members, and I wanted to wash our bedding, towels, and a few clothing items. Marit, who is Mary Ann’s mother, offered to help us. Marit washes other people’s clothes by hand in order to earn a living and support her kids. When she washes clothes, it is done so quickly. I watched her technique, and she uses the inside of her forearm as a “washboard”. She had all of our laundry finished in about 20 minutes. It probably would have taken me an hour. She put my laundry skills to shame. ☺

The kids here really love music. I have a lot of music and dance songs that I use at school on my itunes. We had a blast this afternoon. I taught them the Chicken Dance, The Cha Cha Slide, The Cotton Eyed Joe, and the Cupid Shuffle. We were really enjoying ourselves. I worked up probably about a gallon of sweat!

Speaking of music, please continue to pray that we find someone who would volunteer their time to teach guitar lessons on a weekly basis here at WHY. We will continue to ask around tomorrow and see if we can find someone, preferably someone with a heart to worship and not musical skill only.

Each night we have been having our daily worship and devotional time. The kids are learning lots of worship songs and are starting to share a little more. They will sing one of the songs they have learned this Sunday at church. Pray that the worship will really make an impact.
Please continue to pray for Jeraluz’s mother, Lucy. We are agreeing that her baby, who is currently in the breach position, will turn before it is time for her to deliver because the family cannot afford to pay for a C-section. We will continue to believe for a miracle!

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