Monday, September 27, 2010

coming to an end

So, our team has only 3 more days left in our trip.  we are still hoping to hire a director, find a full time pastor and get some approvals from the government for our orphanage.  We have just a few days to get these major goals accomplished.  We had discussed..but never really thought that a church would be started..but it is certainly in the process.  It is so exciting for us to know that our kids will be spiritually fed and provided for.  Our team has really experienced alot in the dumpsites, visiting the homes of our kids, going to the schools and experiencing worship with our kids.  This week and a half has really flown by for us.

Today was really no different.  We started our morning fairly early.  We went to the high school to pass out Bibles and share the gospel with the students.  We had an awesome time going into the class rooms and passing out the salvation bracelets.  Most of the 200 students that we spoke with prayed for salvation.  It was truly an awesome experience.

A teacher at the elementary school was sharing with us that one of the girl students was taking her 4 year old brother to school every day.  They were sharing that the family life was hard and that the family really needed help.  So, we investigated.  This afternoon, we went to visit with the mother of these two children and were really shocked with what we discovered.  The mother has been sick for quite some time with kidney failure.  She takes dialysis 2 times a day.  The 10 year old girl cooks for her mom and the 3 younger siblings.  She washes their clothes, cleans their home and basically runs the home.  The father of the children has left the family and has a younger girlfriend.  The mother will be dead soon...and there is no where to place the kids.  The kids will be homeless in a matter of weeks.  There are a few concerns with taking all 4 kids.  First is that if all 4 are gone...who will cook for the mother and make sure that she is okay.  Second, the mother does not want the kids to go without the father's consent..though the father is rarely around...and lastly it appears that the entire family has TB.  .. We are getting them all tested tomorrow to hopefully determine what their medical condition is.  Please pray for this family..I cannot imagine being 10 years old and having the responsibility of taking care of my dying mother ...while making sure my siblings are fed and in school...and getting myself taken care of..with food, bath and homework... it is way too much for this little girl.  Below are pics of the mom and kids.

I am praying that this family will be able to be with us soon....they certainly represent what we are trying to do with our mission.

Lastly... after visiting with this family..our hope and prayer for a church remains former pastor while in Cebu.. pastor Lemuel, lived over an hour from the orphanage...but he kept on coming up in conversation and prayer.  So, we went to visit with him this evening.  It was a great time of fellowship and catching up...he had not really changed that much in 10 years.  It was a true joy and blessing to share with him.  Pastor Lemuel continues to have a burden and a passion for the young people of the Philippines.  He agreed off the bat to help start the church and get a good foundation in place for the kids.  His family is from another island however...and in the future he has plans to go to Leyte to be with his family.  When this occurs he will not be physically present to be able to help and support the kids.  So, for now.. Pastor Lemuel plans to come by on Wednesday to meet the kids and for us to discuss what kind of schedule we can create for the kids so that they can have bible study and worship.  This is certainly a huge step in the right direction and an answer to alot of prayer.  Please continue to pray that God will send laborers to minister to our kids after we leave.

We will be interviewing all of the director candidates tomorrow and meeting with government officials tomorrow.  Alot of big picture "stuff" will be taking place and some pretty big decisions will be made tomorrow.  Pray for a good nights rest...and discernment for the team and decision makers.  I certainly appreciate all of the kind words, support and prayers that you all have been giving these past few weeks.

God we come to the end of our mission trip here...


1 comment:

Sheryl said...

God tells us to sow the seeds, He will provide the increase....I am certain that people will come forward and continue the work in the church, the orphanage, the community until we can return again.