Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How about positive?

I have recently been teaching lessons in my computer lab about Cyberbullying.  As part of the lesson I have been encouraging my 3rd-5th grade students to be positive.  Think positive, speak positive, compliment, etc.  I would've thought this would be no big deal, but they actually enjoy giving compliments to their classmates and teachers. 

But time after time it is amazing to see how difficult it is for them to change their mind set.  Our world is so extremely negative, so surrounded with throughts of ourselves only, rushing around....  Sometimes even making eye contact and smiling at someone in Walmart is tough. 

So how about positive? 
Show some patience to the cashier who is doing her best to quickly process customers.
Strike up a positive and encouraging converstaion with the person next to you in line.
Let someone with only a couple of items go in front of you.

All of these are simple jestures of kindness, but you have to take the time to notice.

Thankful, Sheryl

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