Growing up it was not unusual for my parents to have jobs that didn't require higher education. These days it is more and more unusual for jobs to NOT require a college degree.
It is typical for us to send our kids to college directly out of high school. Of course for those of us who can't afford a university out of our monthly income there are always student loans, right?
What about elementary, middle and high school education? Well, there's no question there because public education is government funded.
In the Philippines even public education is not free. The government does not pay for each child to go to school through high school. It is up to the parents to pay for the children to go, provide all school supplies and to provide transportation to get them there.
So what would your choice be if your options were to have food for your family for today or for your child to go to school?
For the families with five children who live on $3 or less per day, education can't be the prioirity. They just have to make do.
Glenn and Emily can complete their college studies for only $500 per semester.
Jeraluz can complete this, her senior year of high school for only $30.
What can you give?
Thankful, Sheryl
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