Friday, January 8, 2010


I am very sorry that I have not updated in awhile. And today is not going to be much better. I have alot of people waiting on me as I type this...but hey it is the Philippines.

My foot is 80% healed and I am doing much better. I spent all day yesterday in Manila and I now have my passport. We spent all day on 1/7/09 with Jolley and getting supplies for the orphanage. Things that should last for at least a month like food and bedding things. We also got some items for the school.

Yesterday the team really got to experience the dumpsite. They went to where hundreds if not thousands of children were staying at the dumpsite. Several shared how much seeing and experiencing this opened their eyes. I believe it may have given a clearer picture as to why the orpahange and not just handed some food and clothes. The need is to great and you must pray and discern who you can help and who really wants the help. It is truly overwhelming...but we have a BIG God.

We now have 7 total in the orphanage. 5 girls and 2 boys. A few will be coming today why we are out island hoppiing with the other 7 kids. The orphanage is slowly but surely filling up. Our hearts are filling up with emotions as we want to stay and invest and give to these kids while missing our own families. This is always a difficult time because we leave out on Monday night...but there is still SO much that still needs to be done. May God give us wisdom and discernment as we seek to be good stewards of our time and resources. Pray for our new children. Some of them could not sleep last night because they believe in witches. They believe they live in the trees and as you have seen our orphanage is surrounded by trees. Pray that we can effectively communicate with them. I must go...lots to share... but I am being a good steward of my time :-)


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