Since I have been back from the Philippines, the TV has been filled with images of Haiti. I hear stories after stories of how people are trapped under buildings for days. How people have not ate for days on end with hope that someone will come. Images of babies dying or dead. Massive graves being dug. The stories and the imagery is overwhelming. My heart breaks and my desire to do something is overpowering. Should I think about going over there? If I do, what would I do? Should I send my money? It would certainly go to good use and make a difference in many lives.
I have a friend who is currently going to classes in order to better manage his finances. My friend told me that there is such a huge need that he wants to give more. That there are so many projects and overseas that needs funding that he must figure out a way to get out of debt, manage his finances better so that he can give more.
It wasn't long ago that I volunteered for just about anything and everything. Whether it was at my work, church or community. It seems that I have a problem with no. I would run from place to place, sacrificing time with my family, to go to small groups, to meetings at church, for board meetings, for feedings and evangelism purposes. God certainly blessed those efforts and I saw many good things come from it. Is it really wrong to want to help everyone? Is there any fault or any blame to want to do good or help others. The Bible clearly states that we should not grow tired of doing what is good. (Gal 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.)
When I read the Bible and allow God to speak to me He is challenging these beliefs. As I read about Noah, Nehemiah, Moses, Jesus, Paul etc. They were focused. When there were other needs and competing demands Jesus sent out the disciples. When there were many disputes and need for many judges; extras were appointed. When the wall needed to be rebuilt and there were other competing demands; every decision that was made was made in order to meet that one goal and purpose of having the wall rebuilt and restored. Of course there is the Scripture in Luke 14 that I have quoted and referred to many times that indicates that we should consider the cost and be willing to sacrifice all when committing to follow Christ.
This approach and thinking process of, "will doing this benefit the orphanage" when faced with opportunities and decisions has been quite liberating and beneficial. And God has certainly blessed me and given me a peace of mind. When there are competing demands; when natural catastrophes occur, when finances pull me in many directions; my centering question and thought is "will doing this benefit the orphanage". The orphanage has officially become the purpose, my calling in life. I am certainly no biblical character; and I certainly would not presume to tell someone what to do with their finances or time when it is concerning the building of God's kingdom.
When I think about the youth that we serve, there has been no natural disaster to cause the circumstance. The American Red Cross is not filling us with images daily of what happens at night to these kids. Their hunger is silent, the victimization and crimes against them are kept out of the press and it is uncomfortable to talk about. There is no good reason why these children live on the streets. Their home, "the dumpsite", was set on fire and the government forced them to move and relocate. The government provided a place for the families to live an hour away....they don't have food to eat yet they are supposed to be able to travel long distances? The children are on the streets, the concrete is their beds; prostitution and drugs are the ways that they survive. During our mission trip, many of us wanted to provide food and shoes to those currently living in the dumpsite and streets... and we did. However, the goal and reason behind that was so the team could see where our kids are coming from. I celebrate that 12 have been rescued. That the crimes against them have been stopped and they have a hope and a future.
But NOW, NOW is the time that we need people to step up and take action. The time, energy, money, etc. etc. has been poured into this orphanage to get these children off of the streets. Now is the time for you to respond and get involved. We NEED sponsors, we need financial support in order to sustain this crucial ministry. There are ALOT of needs in this world; it is not my job to prioritize these needs....but my challenge and prayer for you is to have focus, to determine your purpose and then invest in that purpose. We certainly must consider the cost; we must now respond to the need. We have made our commitment to these children and now we have the opportunity to get to know them and invest in a life. A life that was broken and rejected...can now be restored. Please be a part of that process.
It has been awhile since I have blogged and I can tell. There is alot on my mind. I also just wanted to make a quick comment about faith. God has certainly challenged me and changed my perception about my faith. I hope I don't sound like I am bragging....but HE has increased my faith.... and I think that has come from a deeper understand of what specifically faith is. Hebrews 11 is of course the faith chapter in the Bible and it starts off by providing a definition of faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. I have then seen many illustrations in church about faith. You have faith that when you sit on a chair that it will hold you up...or when you turn on a faucet that water will come out. I think that is crap! I don't think that comes close to defining or illustrating faith. Really....sitting down requires faith? Turning on a faucet requires faith? REALLY... come on... it is expected. I expect water to come out, I expect a chair to hold me up..if it doesn't I get a new one. That is not faith...its the expected. Faith is the substance of things hoped for... it is something that is tangible that comes about from a hope...a desire that is within you. It is something that occurs that you know that you cannot do; nor others can do... but you go forward anyway...hoping, praying that God will make it tangible ... that it will come to pass. Paying your bills is not living by faith. Paying your bills is that you go to work, you get paid for working and you pay who you owe. If your debt is more than your salary...that is not faith...that is just poor money management and your car is going to get repossessed.
Have you dared to dream what God can do with your life? With your hands, with your work, with your family, your church, your money.... your whatever. Have you taken steps of FAITH ... of Hope .... that would allow God (and not something that you can explain) to make it happen. That He would produce evidence out of the unseen or the unknown? It is hard and difficult to ask others to live by faith. It is hard for me to ask my family... I mean they rely heavily on me to provide the mortgage payments, food, clothing etc. through my job. To ask friends, brothers and sisters in Christ to step out on faith that we are not done with The Rescue Foundation is going to be scary. That we don't have any money in the bank right now and there are 12 youth depending on us to take care of them is scary.... but I know there is more... I have faith there is more. God has more and more laid it on my heart for every 1 child that is in our orphanage there is 1,000 more on the street. I know that we need a church... a church that will reach out to share the gospel with these thousands... a church that will provide food and basic needs as best as it can... as it ministers and shares the love of Christ to these thousands..... The Rescue Foundation is preventing the problem as well...several of the children are yet to be on the of their parents have died and they are at risk but we are intervening before they make it... and we are committing to them that we are going to get them through college so that they in return can reinvest in their families and communities to where they have come from.... .BUT what we have already discovered is that the lifestyles of those who are on the street are lifestyles of violence, of hitting, or drug use and is what they have known from survival... and it is becoming more and more clear that we will need a seperate place to house those who have special needs; who have more extreme behaviors ... and where they stay will require staff to be awake 24/7 to provide adequate care.... we have a call to those who need rescued. It is certainly going to require sacrifice, clarity of our single purpose and goal, and at least a mustard seed of faith to succeed. We must put God in His rightful place as Lord of the orphanage. We must in hand be good stewards and people of prayer as we respond to His leading and will.
It costs about a dollar a day to feed one of the children at the Rescue Foundation. If you can give us a dollar you have given hope to a child for a day. I hope that God will make your purpose clear. I hope that you have a desire to join The Rescue Foundation in rescuing these children from their prison that society has placed them in. No dollar amount is too little... I would love it if you could commit to doing something weekly, or monthly.... please pray for our children. Transitioning into a home after living on the streets is very difficult. Please pray for our staff as they seek to provide the best care possible for these precious youth. I know this has been long.... but I cannot be silent about the overwhelming need we have right now. We need food, we need a car, we need to pay our rent. If you have been waiting for a reason or a good time to give... this would be the time. I pray that God will bless you and increase your faith as we continue this journey together.
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