Tuesday, March 9, 2010

John Michael

Name: John Michael
Birthday: August 20, 1994

John Michael is 15 years old and studying during night school at third year high school level. He enjoys math, science, and English and receives high marks on his tests; despite often going to school without food for the day. Due to lack of money, his total school grades suffer because he cannot buy supplies to complete his assigned projects.

John Michael’s father works intermittently as a tricycle driver and his mother is a laundry-woman. Their income is insufficient to support their seven children living in a small house with only curtains for doors and a leaking roof.

John Michael is a determined young man, working hard for his education despite the challenges of his situation. He wants to continue his education and at Wesley Home for Youth, he will be able to do so with food in his stomach. John Michael’s parents and siblings can visit him and receive Christian training and support through the home’s family outreach program.

John Michael is in great need of a committed monthly sponsor. If you feel a call to sponsor John Michael, please allow God to use you in this way. Sponsors are crucial for this ministry to survive and continue nurturing these children.
Thankful, Sheryl

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