Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Amazing God, Amazing Filipinos

The elementary school where our kids attended allowed our mission team to come in and share the good news of Jesus Christ in the 6th grade class rooms and we partnered with the Gideons to hand out Bibles.  My battery is about to die on my computer...but I just want to say... the eagerness in these kids eye to hear the "secret" (b/c it is not shared) on how to have a PERSONAL relationship with Jesus Christ was obtained.  I told them that Jesus does not care as much about the words that you pray as much as He does about your sincerity and your heart.  You should have heard these children in all 3 classrooms pray to God for their salvation..it was truly sincere and amazing.  I am SO thankful that over 180 kids got to hear the plan of salvation and all to my knowledge did pray to God to be saved.  I cannot tell you what He did in their hearts but I can certainly tell you what He did in mine.  What a privilege and an honor to be able to present God's Word and His plan of salvation to those who have never heard and have never been told of his grace and love!!  We were able to distibute around 400 Bibles at the elementary school.

The Gideons who are there were very impressed with the ministry and the goals of our ministry.  They have agreed to help us with the spiritual growth and fomation of our kids at the orphanage which has been a huge prayer concern for us.  They have also commited to bringing around 1000 Bible next week to be distriuted at the high school where our kids attend.  It was truly an amazing amazing day!

My battery is almost dead... today we welcome 2 new kids to the orphanage.  Please pray for their transition and that they feel welcomed and safe.  Please pray for our team as we make relationships with them and their families.  Today we also have a big board meeting that will really impact the direction of the ministry in Cebu.  Please pray for discernment and God's peace on key issues that we will be discussing.  It will be a busy day and God will again be given all praise, glory and honor for all the He does in and through our lives today.


1 comment:

Sheryl said...

Wish I could be there experiencing this wonderfulness with you. But the really cool thing is that we are experiencing God in our own town. Four students turned to about 40 at JMS today for See You At The Pole!