Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Father's Love

My son has fallen head over heels in love with his father lately.  More than ever!  They are thick as thieves these days.  Its so sweet and tender to witness.  So last night because my husband worked late, my son nearly made be batty asking, "Mama when's Papa coming home?"

As I tucked my baby in I told him that if he could be quiet and stay in his bed I would send Papa down for kisses when he arrived.  I didn't hear a peep from his room.  So as I promised, I asked my husband to tell our baby goodnight. 

Our son was still, with eyes closed while Papa kissed his forehead.  Without a sound, a little arm wrapped around Papa's neck and held him a minute.  My husband whispered, "Sweet dreams", and my son turned and was ready for sleep.  Completely at peace.  He knew Papa was home.

Our Father wants to have this same tender and loving relationship with each of us, it is us who get busy or distracted and stray from that relationship.  He is there reaching out His hand for us to grasp.  Just as my son needs to know "Papa's home", when we know God is with us we have a quiet peace, a comfort to our heart.  I hope today you will revive your relationship with your Heavenly Father and fall in love with Him more and more.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

This is super super sweet and really powerful. Sometimes I get distracted or I focus too much on the jealous God and fearsome God aspects and forget how tender his heart is toward me. You described Levi and his Papa's relationship so beautifully. Warms a mother's heart! I love you. Thanks for writing.