Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Judy Ann

This week we are re-introducing a special young lady, Judy Ann.  I hope you enjoy reading about some of the experiences Cathi shared with Judy Ann during our trip.

Judy Ann is a sweet spirited 14 year old who loves to sing. She has the best smile and attitude of agreeableness. I loved talking to Judy Ann because she would always say “yes!” in such a way that made me smile.

One of my favorite memories of Judy Ann was one of the first nights we were at Wesley Home. Judy Ann and one of the other girls were washing our dinner dishes. They were singing worship songs and loving life. She loves so much to sing to Jesus, that she was on stage at almost every event we had with the kids, singing special music.

It was incredible to watch her have such a passion for singing to our God. One Sunday after church her and I and another one of the girls sat around and sang songs out of their song books until everyone else had left the chapel.

She is also quick to jump in and help with whatever needs to be done, whether it is her daily chores or helping a new member at Wesley learn their way around. To share one final memory of Judy Ann, one night while a group of us were hanging around in the kitchen, her and Rovi decided they wanted to play with my hair. They had fallen in love with my curly hair, since they never see anything but straight hair. The girls had so much fun running their fingers through it and braiding it. They even put my hair on their head and acted like it was their hair. They are so stinking cute!

God created a connection between Judy Ann and I that only He could have done. She is an incredible girl who is hungry to learn and understand more about Jesus. Since returning home, the social worker at WHY has stated that she reads the Bible left for her every single day.


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