excitement blooming
Spring brings so much excitement in our home this year. Mission meetings: preparing for our return to the Philippines, an opportunity of local mission work, multiple salvations during our Easter Sunday services, family togetherness....It is nice to reflect on these past weeks and look forward to this week, although sometimes overwhelming with busyness - we are working for Jesus and THAT is exciting!
It is exciting to have so many opportunities to serve! I hate that opportunities can often be overlooked because they don't "look" right.
Mark 10:45
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
It is sometimes easy to get caught up in the going to church, the clothes we wear, the building we worship in, the music we hear....but if we allow ourselves to be trapped in this type of "service" who really are we serving?
I want to be so certain that I am serving the one true and living God that I would rather worship in an empty warehouse, sitting on a dirty floor in jeans and flip-flops with only voices lifting praises, people in the streets and mountains hearing, wanting to find out where the voices are coming from.... Yesterday I had a vision of that exact moment. People I don't know but instantly connected with as we shared only tiny bits of our testimonies and our hearts. I can just envision God getting excited too! Watching as His plan unfolds.
So where DO you serve, who DO you serve? Are you seeking out that moment? Are you listening for His voice and reaching for His guiding hand?
Thankful, Sheryl
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