Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Think, Say, Do - Part 3

So my question is: Are you a thinker, a sayer or a doer?

Think: verb (used without object)
to employ one's mind rationally and objectively in evaluating or dealing with a given situation; to have a certain thing as the subject of one's thoughts; to consider something as a possible action, choice, etc.

When you see an opportunity to serve, do you let someone else take the opportunity instead?  Do you let yourself believe lies that you aren't "good enough" to serve?  Do you tell yourself that your not good at that aspect of service and someone else will do it?

Say: verb (used with object)
to utter or pronounce; to express in words; state; declare; state as an opinion or judgment

When you see an opportunity to serve do you say you will but not follow through?  If something else comes along do feel as if your commitments aren't important?  Is it easier to say yes and not show up than to just say no in the first place?  Do you let Satan distract you with other things?  Do you assume that someone else will be there to pick up the slack in your absence?  Do you say you will do something to get attention or praise?

Do: verb
Do, accomplish, achieve, mean to bring some action to a conclusion; Accomplish emphasizes attaining a desired goal through effort, skill, and perseverance: to accomplish what one has hoped for. Achieve emphasizes accomplishing something important, excellent, or great

Do you show up for the opportunity to serve?  Are you willing to get your hands dirty to accomplish the goal?  While all three words (think, say, do) are verbs, only "do" is taking full action, to accomplish and achieve.

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
James 1:22

Folks, we are at war!  Against Satan, against our own sin, against lies we tell ourselves.  We can sit around and think about it or talk about it, but nothing is changing.  We have to DO something.  WE must DO something.  The Bible doesn't tell that someone in the next city will take care of things.  The Bible tells YOU and ME to GO!

My prayer is that committed people will rise up to share hope with the lost in our own cities, our own nation as well as around the world.  God doesn't call all of us overseas, but He does call all of us!

Thankful, Sheryl


TJelf said...

This is a blessing to me today as I try to reach out to my community and provide a way for us "middle-agers" to fellowship and get more involved in our community. Great message!!

TJelf said...


I found a pattern for boys pants. Waiting on an order to come through at work, so I thought I'd make myself useful.

TJelf said...

http://blueyonder.typepad.com/photos/bandana_pants/index.html--must go back to work now...God does great things even when we are waiting on work

Sheryl said...

Tonya, this is awesome! If we keep our eyes open God always has something wonderful for us! Thanks!