Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 8, from Colleen

Today I got up around 6:40, so I could spend some time with the girls before they left for school at 7:00 a.m. Then it was laundry time. I had about 6 days worth of clothes to wash. After all the scrubbing, rinsing, wringing out, and hanging, it took me about 2 hours total. Then later I went to check on the clothes hanging out, and a bird had come and “blessed” a few articles of my clothing. I miss my washing machine!

After laundry time, I worked on putting together a worship folder for WHY (Wesley Home for Youth). I hope to have a collection of songs for them with the guitar chords, so they can continue having worship time every evening. While I was typing up the songs, I had a little visitor. I look up, and there is a mouse sitting on top of the love seat looking at me. He would occasionally peek out and see if I was still there. Who needs to go to Disneyworld and pay a bunch of money to see a mouse? Fortunately, he made his exit after we opened the front door, and I was very thankful for that.

We went to visit the families of the children who will become part of WHY. They will join our family here very soon. Two of the children, Judy Ann and Nino, will actually come to live here, and the other, Mary Ann, will receive assistance for her education and other needs. I mentioned Judy Ann the other day in my note. Her father passed away recently. She is 13 and is helping to support her family by scavenging at the garbage dumpsite. She is behind in school because many times she will stay with her mom to earn money. Today she and her mom went fishing to have something to sell at the market because they were out of money. Nino lives with his grandmother and uncle. His mom passed away at a very early age, so they are raising him. Nino was at school, but we got to visit with his grandmother. She told us that he really enjoys singing and dancing. Maybe he will be a singer for our worship team here at WHY. ☺

We had our second night of evening worship and devotional times. It went very well. Emily, the oldest girl here at WHY, led the devotional time, so we are already seeing leadership skills developing in her. I spoke with John Michael about developing his guitar skills to someday lead worship. He shared with me that he is more interested in learning drums, so I may have to go to Plan B for a worship leader here. He told me that Jeraluz, a high school girl here, is very interested in learning guitar. I know it will all come together eventually. Pray that we will have wisdom in helping the kids here develop and use their skills and passions in various areas for God. Pray also for someone from a local church or ministry to come and teach guitar and/or singing.

The girls are still somewhat reluctant to share prayer requests or struggles in our group time, so please pray that they would begin to open up and share. We could tell tonight that Jeraluz, one of our high school girls, really had something on her mind, but she would not share with us. We found out later that her mom is pregnant, and the baby is in the breech position. The doctors are saying her mom needs a C-section, but her family cannot afford to pay for one. Please pray for a miracle. If God can stop the sun and part the seas, surely he can turn a baby in the womb!

Here are some pics of our kids at WHY





John Loyd

John Michael


Judy Ann, soon to be part of WHY


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